San Francisco’s Ocean Beach has seen better days. Storm surges have battered the city’s western coast, resulting in severe erosion at the south end of the beach. Large boulder revetments are shoring up bluffs to protect the Great Highway and the sewer pipes underneath it, and erosion has exposed unsightly construction fill. As climate-induced sea level rise sets in, erosion at this beloved public beach will worsen.
Working in cooperation with a host of federal, state and local agencies; community stakeholders; and the public, SPUR has developed a landmark climate adaptation and open space plan to address the many issues at Ocean Beach. The plan recommends six key moves that chart an ambitious and proactive vision for managing a changing coastline, protecting critical sewer infrastructure and significantly upgrading public access to the beach.
There are two ways to view the master plan:
1. Download the Ocean Beach Master Plan as a PDF >>
[70 MB, 210 pages]
Learn more about the Ocean Beach Master Plan at spur.org/oceanbeach >>