This series is coordinated by Jeff Tumlin of NelsonNygaard Consulting Associates, Stephanie Reyes, policy director at Greenbelt Alliance, and Jim Chappell, director of the Citizen Planning Institute at SPUR.
$100 for the series or $25 per session. Advance registration required. Write to [email protected].
Session 5 of 5
Local Government's Role in Low-Carbon Development
Traditional traffic models rely on outdated data and assumptions and don't measure many things we care about such as air pollution and climate impacts. How can cities and counties use updated models and new proposed CEQA guidelines to encourage low carbon development? In this session, we will do exercises using the URBEMIS traffic mitigation component, a simple yet powerful tool employing standard traffic engineering methodologies but providing the opportunity to adjust Institute of Traffic Engineers average rates to quantify the impact of a development's location, physical characteristics and demand management programs. With Jeff Tumlin, NelsonNygaard and Stephanie Reyes, Greenbelt Alliance.