Pier 70’s 20th Street is lined with grand historic structures: the Union Iron Works Machine Shop, built in 1885, Union Iron Works Offices (1896), PowerHouse (1912), and at the corner of 20th and Illinois, the Bethlehem Steel Office Building (1917). The Port of San Francisco is seeking interested partners to rehabilitate and reinvent this historic waterfront corridor. Initiated in 2007, the City’s master plan seeks to adaptively reuse the unique historic architectural resources of Pier 70 and integrate new development, shoreline open space and public amenities with the existing ship repair operations. Project Managers Kathleen Diohep and Lynda Swanson will discuss this exciting opportunity, and the role of historic buildings in shaping the Pier 70 master plan.

Photo credit: flickr user Liz Henry
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$5 for non-members
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$5 for non-members
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