San Francisco

New Urban Development: Looking Back to See Forward

Evening Forum

The recent recession is one result of how urban planning laws and practices discouraged innovation and artificially pushed up prices in America’s most economically vibrant regions. In his recently published book, New Urban Development: Looking Back to See Forward, Claude Gruen discusses the unintended consequences of contemporary land-use regulations and priorities. Gruen also proposes 13 land-use policies to improve the quality of urban life and play a role in enabling the U.S. economy to meet the challenges of the 21st century. Some of Gruen’s recommendations have proven to be controversial. In order to draw on diverse viewpoints, Glenn Isaacson of Conversion Management Associates and Amy Neches of the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency will serve as responders and provide live commentary on Gruen’s recommendations. Co-sponsored by ULI San Francisco. Signed books may be purchased on site for $30 tax included. Cash or check only!


Free to SPUR & ULI members
$5 for non-members

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Sponsorship payments: Will not be refunded, as sponsorship benefits take effect immediately and are on-going through the date of the event.

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