San Francisco

Urban Density = Jobs

Lunchtime Forum

Image credit: Flickr user niallkennedy

Is economic competitiveness influenced by urban density? Will Bay Area job centers like Silicon Valley be more conducive to job creation if there is less job sprawl and more employment density? Join us for an analysis of the region’s economic trends, the geography of work and a discussion of SPUR’s recommendations for strengthening economic competitiveness by focusing work into denser job centers. With Sujata Srivastava, principal at Strategic Economics, Josh Switzky, of the San Francisco Planning Department, Mark Shorett, of Arup, and Egon Terplan from SPUR.


Free to members
$10 for non-members
Okay to bring lunch

Refund Policy

Sponsorship payments: Will not be refunded, as sponsorship benefits take effect immediately and are on-going through the date of the event.

Auxiliary Services

If, in order to participate in a SPUR event, you need auxiliary aids or services for a disability (e.g., qualified interpreter, qualified reader, written materials, taped texts) please submit your request five business days before the event to [email protected] or 415-781-8726 x132. SPUR will work with you in identifying effective auxiliary aids or services that it can provide. If you need to cancel your request, please notify SPUR at least two business days before the event.