A regional pilot program led by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD), in partnership with the SFMTA, Caltrain and the Valley Transportation Authority (VTA), will deploy 1,000 bicycles regionally in summer 2012 at up to 100 stations along the Peninsula transportation corridor. Agencies from throughout the region will implement this pilot program along the Caltrain corridor between San Francisco and San Jose. The program will add 500 bicycles (and approximately 50 stations) in San Francisco, 400 in the South Bay in the Cities of San Jose, Palo Alto and Mountain View, and 100 in Redwood City. Join Karen Schkolnick from the Bay Area Air Quality Management District, Heath Maddox of the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency and Ying Smith from the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority for a discussion about regional bike sharing in the Bay Area.

Image credit: Flickr user sillygwailo
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$10 for non-members
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$10 for non-members
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