Large housing developments (over 100 units) add much-needed density to our cities. They can also overwhelm a more fine-grained urban fabric or contribute to a sense of monotony. What can we do to make our large housing developments great? Come hear an exploration of large housing developments in a Pecha Kucha-style format. Presenters: Joshua Switzky, San Francisco Planning Department; Daniel Murphy, UrbanGreen Devco; Glenn Rescalvo, Handel Architects; and Ramie Dare, Mercy Housing. Co-presented with the San Francisco Housing Action Coalition and AIA San Francisco.
Image credit: Flickr user Tom Mascardo 3
Free to members
$10 for non-members
Okay to bring lunch
$10 for non-members
Okay to bring lunch
Refund Policy
Sponsorship payments: Will not be refunded, as sponsorship benefits take effect immediately and are on-going through the date of the event.