The Bay Area has long prided itself as a hub for art, creativity and innovation and nowhere in the region is that more evident than in Oakland. Hear from an incredibly diverse slate of Oakland-based dreamers and visionaries — in the fast-paced Pecha Kucha format — about the projects they’re undertaking that will shape the future of Oakland and the East Bay. Co-presented by Pecha Kucha Oakland and Impact Hub Oakland.
+ Anyka Barber / Betti Ono Gallery, Creative Neighborhoods Coalition
+ Keba Konte / Red Bay Coffee
+ Jeremy Liu / Creative Development Partners
+ Doug Wittnebel / Gensler
+ Tomás Alvarez / Beats Rhymes and Life, Inc.
+ Cat Brooks / #BlackLivesMatter
+ Nenna Joiner / FeelMore
+ Terri Flynn / Flynn Architecture