
A New Transbay Transit Crossing

Lunchtime Forum


Rapid growth in transit ridership and crowding is broadening the conversation about a second transbay transit crossing. Infrastructure investment on this scale raises big questions about regional transit capacity, connectivity, reliability and resilience, and requires consideration of broader land use, equity and sustainability impacts. Hear from four Bay Area organizations with recent or soon-to-be published papers on this topic and learn more about how we might be crossing the bay in the future. Co-presented by the City of Oakland Mayor's Office and the San Francisco County Transportation Authority.

+ Joël Ramos / TransForm
+ Ratna Amin / SPUR
+ Sean Randolph / Bay Area Council Economic Institute
+ Shannon Peloquin / McKinsey & Company

Discussion Panelists
+ Matt Maloney / MTC
+ Matt Nichols / City of Oakland
+ Ellen Smith / BART

+ Tilly Chang / SFCTA


free for SPUR members
$10 for non-members



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