What visionary transportation projects could reshape the Bay Area? Earlier this year, Bay Area Metro released a call for transformative projects that were not assessed previously in Plan Bay Area 2040. These ideas had to cost over $1 billion and be as varied as a second Transbay Tube or a network of aerial trams. Hear the ideas that won over the judges, and their viability for the future.
+ Dave Vautin / Metropolitan Transportation Commission-Association of Bay Area Governments
+ Anup Tapase / MTC-ABAG
+ Martha Koch / Arup
+ Chris Lepe / TransForm
+ Ratna Amin / SPUR
+ Ramses Madou / City of San Jose
+ Courtney Ferris / Seamless Bay Area
+ Arielle Fleisher / SPUR
+ Eddy Ionescu
+ Jason Lee