Later this summer, we will launch a new ticketing system and we'll be asking you to register for each event you're planning to attend. This will help us keep you informed of any changes and better tailor our schedules and offerings.
Farmers’ markets and grocery stores both offer bountiful selections of fruits and vegetables, tempting us to buy some to take home or have delivered to our doorstep. But the process of getting food to each of those retail settings can vary significantly. Selling wholesale and selling direct-to-consumer are different beasts, making it difficult to scale a local food economy. Discover the challenges and opportunities that farmers and grocers face as you sample farm-fresh fruit. Co-presented by CUESA and generously sponsored by the Bi-Rite Family of Businesses.
+ Simon Richard / Bi-Rite Family of Businesses
+ Ben Hartman / Good Eggs
+ Paige Phinney / Kitchen Table Advisors