“Understanding How Women Travel” is a groundbreaking study completed by LA Metro in 2019. The study included a creative approach to better understand women’s mobility in LA county; framed by core social justice principles and methods, including both traditional and non-traditional data collection methods to effectively capture “hard-to-reach” populations and embody the project’s intersectional approach to gender. This comprehensive and innovative study and its findings have laid the foundation for bridging the gender equity gap for Metro’s current and future female riders. The panelists will discuss the background, research approaches and methods, key takeaways from the study, and applicability to other agencies and studies. Presented by San Jose State University Institute for Metropolitan Studies.
+ Elba Higueros / LA Metro
+ Chelsea Richer / Fehr & Peers
+ Asha Weinstein Agrawal / Mineta Transportation Institute
+ Gordon Douglas / San Jose State University Institute for Metropolitan Studies