Given the changing public health guidance in the Bay Area, SPUR is suspending its in-person public programming events. During this time, public programs will be postponed, canceled or converted into a webinar on an event-by-event basis. To ensure that you're able to have the experience as originally intended, we've chosen to postpone this event until October 28th, 2020.
Fragmented and disjointed transit networks, such as what we have in the Bay Area, are not an effective way to convince drivers to switch to public transportation. Providing a seamless experience for riders is only one solution to the problem. What if transit riders weren't considered simply riders on BART or Muni, but instead riders across the broader network, shared between operators and relayed between each with care? Can this "one rider" model work across the region's 27 disparate transit operators? Generously sponsored by the TransitCenter.
+ Lyle Walker / TransLink