The COVID-19 pandemic has forced a reevaluation of how we experience the world around us. Indoor spaces that were once cherished as intimate and comfortable are now anathema to our physically-distanced lifestyles, and even our enjoyment of outdoor spaces is done so through the accepted protection of invisible bubbles with a six-foot radius — or, in the case of many urban parks — spray-painted rings arrayed across grassy lawns. Will these spaces ever return to “normal,” or will this new reality become the status quo? In the final panel for ‘Ideas + Action 2020: Public Space,’ join us for a design-centric conversation examining the ramifications of COVID-19 on how we utilize and redesign our public spaces, and how we can prioritize and design new spaces that can better respond to future impacts, such as pandemics and climate change.
+ Mayra Madriz / Director and Team Lead, Gehl
+ Scott Kratz / Vice President, Building Bridges Across the River
+ Daphne Lundi / Board Member and Co-founder of BlackSpace
+ Carol Coletta / President and CEO, Memphis River Parks Partnership