A second transbay rail crossing would create new transit connections across the Northern California megaregion while addressing what is currently the greatest capacity constraint to the long-term growth of the Bay Area’s regional rail network. This project is being developed as part of a newly announced Northern California transit program called Link21, jointly led by BART and Capital Corridor. The Bay Area region has already dedicated $160 million in two separate bond measures to lay the groundwork for a new transbay rail crossing. What is the approach to planning and delivering this megaproject? How will this new crossing change transportation, not only in the Bay Area but for the entire megaregion? Join us for a discussion with the project team and a panel of transportation experts to delve into the opportunities and challenges of planning, constructing, and operating a new transbay crossing on time and on budget.
+ Sadie Graham / Bay Area Rapid Transit
+ Andrew Tang / Bay Area Rapid Transit
+ Chad Edison / California State Transportation Agency
+ Tilly Chang / San Francisco County Transportation Authority
+ Darnell Grisby / TransForm
+ Ian Brown / Crossrail Ltd.