The bay is rising and the time to come together to act is now. Climate change and sea level rise are causing San Francisco Bay to rise, threatening shoreline communities, wildlife, infrastructure and businesses. Where do we go from here? Join SPUR, the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission and regional leaders for an interactive discussion about Bay Adapt, the Bay Area’s first region-wide, consensus-driven strategy to protect people and the natural and built environment from a rising bay. As part of a month-long public feedback period for the strategy, come hear about the draft Bay Adapt Joint Platform, a set of priority actions to prepare equitably and collectively as a region, and learn how we can jointly implement the necessary steps it proposes through local leadership, regional cooperation, funding, education, training, planning and regulation.
Co-presented by the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission.
+ Phoenix Armenta / West Oakland Environmental Indicators Project
+ Adrian Covert / Bay Area Council
+ Caitlin Sweeney / San Francisco Estuary Partnership
+ John Gioia / Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors
+ Ezra David Romero / KQED