
Exploring Oakland's District 5



Fruitvale Plaza, Oakland

From Jingletown to Upper Peralta, Highland Park to Melrose, Oakland’s District 5 is one of the city’s most diverse and dynamic. From the effervescent streetlife of International Blvd. to amazing cultural resources like the Peralta Hacienda Historical Park, District 5 has far more to enjoy than anyone could experience in an afternoon, a year or even a lifetime. But if you only had one hour, where should you go? Join Councilmember Noel Gallo for a walk in his district to learn about some of his favorite places and understand how he tirelessly works to represent his constituents.

  • Councilmember Noel Gallo / Oakland City Council


Meeting location will be sent to registrants in advance of the tour.


$10. SPUR members only. Limit 25.

Register for this tour >>

When registering, please use the same email address that you use to receive SPUR emails.

As of January 1, SPUR is using a new platform through which to register for programs. If you're experiencing any difficulties while attempting to register, please use this guide for assistance.

Refund Policy

Sponsorship payments: Will not be refunded, as sponsorship benefits take effect immediately and are on-going through the date of the event.

Auxiliary Services

If, in order to participate in a SPUR event, you need auxiliary aids or services for a disability (e.g., qualified interpreter, qualified reader, written materials, taped texts) please submit your request five business days before the event to [email protected] or 415-781-8726 x132. SPUR will work with you in identifying effective auxiliary aids or services that it can provide. If you need to cancel your request, please notify SPUR at least two business days before the event.