
What It Will Take to Fix Oakland's Budget Deficit

In-Person Forum


Oakland City Hall

Oakland is at a pivotal moment as city leaders work to address a significant budget shortfall of $129 million this year, with an additional $280 million projected over the next two years. Oakland’s leadership shuffle further complicates its challenges. While some deeply rooted structural issues underlie the city’s fiscal distress, Oakland is known for its creativity and resilience, and it has navigated bigger challenges before. Join us to learn about the City's budget process and hear from City leaders who are stabilizing the City during this time of transition. Explore how we got here and what it would take for Oakland to address its long standing structural deficit and move in the direction of fiscal sustainability.

  • Moderator: Nicole Neditch / Governance and Economy Policy Director, SPUR
  • Michael C. Houston / City Auditor, City of Oakland
  • Mike Forbes / Vice Chair, Oakland Budget Advisory Commission
  • Leigh Hanson, Chief of Staff, Mayor's Office, City of Oakland
  • Erin Roseman, Finance Director, City of Oakland


Read the first article of our three-part series on how Oakland can close its structural deficit and move toward fiscal solvency and economic growth.


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