Cities across the country are rethinking linear parks and trails to create community hubs and iconic spaces. From New York’s High Line to Atlanta’s BeltLine, from Miami’s Underline to Chicago’s 606, downtown districts and neighborhoods are turning neglected infrastructure into engaging public spaces. In San Jose, the 2.6-mile Guadalupe River Park can learn from these leading examples, leveraging both its natural and built assets to become a civic heart for the city and region. In January 2018, SPUR, in partnership with the Guadalupe River Park Conservancy, the City of San Jose Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood Services Department and the Santa Clara Valley Water District, launched an effort to assemble key stakeholders and consider fresh opportunities for visionary thinking, innovative design and intentional collaboration. Re-Envisioning the Guadalupe River Park, a new exhibition at SPUR San Jose, is the culmination of our first phase of this work. Come see what we've learned so far and how your input can help shape the next phase of this important project.