Facility Rental FAQs

  1. What is SPUR?

    The San Francisco Bay Area Planning and Urban Research Association (SPUR) is a registered 501(C)(3) nonprofit. Our public policy organization brings people together from across the political spectrum to develop solutions to the big problems cities face. We’re recognized as a leading civic planning organization and respected for our independent and holistic approach to urban issues. Click here to learn more.

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  2. What does it cost to rent the Urban Center?

    Rentals start at $20,000 for up to 12 hours of service. Additional hours may be contracted (inquire for rates).

    Please note that during citywide events, a 3-day rental minimum is required and rates are subject to change. Citywide events may include but are not limited to: GDC, RSA, VMworld, TechCrunch Disrupt, Dreamforce.

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  3. What’s included with my rental?
    • Exclusive use of the 1st, 2nd and 4th floor, up to (12) hours per day
    • Day-of venue coordinator & janitorial service
    • Guest WiFi network (10mbps) & house AV system
    • 5-Ft. rolling tables & Herman Miller Caper chairs
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  4. I’m interested in booking. What’s next?
    • Submit an inquiry to [email protected]. Please be sure to include:
      • Event date(s)
      • Event start and end time, including any hours specifically required for load-in/out
      • Guest count
      • Preferred setup (i.e. theater, classroom, standing reception, etc.)
      • Any additional details, constraints or special requests we should be aware of
    • Request a hold
      • This reserves your preferred date(s)/time(s) for up to 30 days, OR until another party challenges
      • If your hold is challenged, you have 48 hours to contract or release the space
    • Request a contract
      • 50% Non-refundable, non-transferable deposit due at time of contract signing
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  5. Is there a catering kitchen on site?

    No, but there is a catering prep space with access to electricity and running water on the building’s basement level.

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  6. Can I serve alcoholic beverages?

    Alcoholic beverages may only be served by vendors backed with a liquor license. SPUR and its rental clients must adhere to all state and federal laws pertaining to the service of alcoholic beverages. These include, but are not limited to:

    • Alcohol may not be served to minors (i.e. guests under 21 years of age) at any time. Catering/bartending staff must ensure that no minors are drinking alcohol by appropriate means of identification set forth by the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control.
    • Catering/bartending staff must notify their managers when they observe a guest drinking irresponsibly and cease all alcoholic beverage service to said guest. (If such a situation occurs, the day-of venue coordinator should be notified immediately.)
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  7. Do you allow open flame (sterno, chafing dishes, candles, etc.)?

    SPUR does not allow open flame (including sterno) without a fire permit. Convection ovens are most commonly used, and anything electric is okay.

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  8. Do you offer AV/tech support?

    SPUR does not have AV or tech support staff. The venue coordinator will provide a brief day-of tutorial, but you are responsible for the operation of all devices during your event. Hiring a dedicated tech is a great way to ensure a seamless AV experience. Please refer to our preferred vendors list and be sure to contact [email protected] to schedule a run-through prior to event day.

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  9. Am I required to use your preferred vendors?

    You're welcome to contract the vendors of your choice. If they haven't already worked in our space, please contact [email protected] to set up a site visit prior to your event.

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  10. Where can my vendors load/unload?

    The curb directly in front of SPUR is a bus-only/no parking zone. We suggest vendors park across the street or in nearby Annie Alley. SPUR does not have a loading zone – all vendors and guests must use the main entrance at 654 Mission Street.

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  11. What are the dimensions of your elevator?

    Exterior frame height = 6'10"

    Interior height = 7'

    Depth = 7'6"

    Width = 5'3" (includes clearance for ADA rails)

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  12. May I deliver things to the building prior to my event?

    Unscheduled deliveries cannot be accepted and SPUR is not responsible for lost/stolen packages. Email [email protected] to discuss delivery and storage options.

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  13. Do I need to provide a certificate of insurance (COI)?

    Yes. SPUR requires all rental clients to provide a Certificate of Liability Insurance (COI). Typically this can be obtained through a company policy. SPUR must be named as additionally insured for the date(s) of your event. Click here to view an example.

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  14. Do my vendors need to provide a COI?

    Yes. SPUR requires all vendors working in the space to provide a Certificate of Liability Insurance (COI). SPUR must be named as additionally insured for the date(s) of your event. Click here to view an example.

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  15. I’m an individual without a company insurance policy. What do you recommend?

    Visit wedsure.com or contact your homeowner insurance provider.

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