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Join us for a public workshop and open house

Saturday, Jan 15th, 2011
9am-2pm (open house -- you may come for any portion)
The Great Hall, SF Zoo Education Center, 1 Zoo Road (at Sloat Blvd) (Map)

SPUR (San Francisco Planning + Urban Research Association), along with the National Park Service, California State Coastal Conservancy, and SF Public Utilities Commission, is leading a new long-range planning effort for Ocean Beach.

Please join us and contribute your ideas and feedback!

The workshop will be held as an "Open House." You are welcome to attend at any time between 9am and 2pm, and stay for as long as you wish. The design team will be available to provide project background information and collect your input and ideas for the future of Ocean Beach throughout the day.

This workshop will give the public a chance to weigh in on a host of issues, including:

  • Improvements to Public Access and Amenities
  • Protection of Ecological, Aesthetic, and Historical Resources
  • Coastal Management in light of erosion, sea-level rise, and climate change
  • Infrastructure Planning
  • Interagency Management

We are working with many stakeholders, including residents, beach users, activists, elected officials, and the many relevant public agencies. The project team will be present to record your comments and ideas, answer questions, and discuss the project.