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Ocean Beach: In Context

New Exhibit at the SPUR Urban Center Gallery!

Opening: Tuesday, February 15th, 6:00 p.m.

On view at the SPUR Urban Center Gallery, 654 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA 94105 (through March 8th).

Tuesday, February 15, 2011, 6-8 pm
SPUR Urban Center
654 Mission Street, San Francisco
Admission: Free for members, $5 non-members

About the Exhibit
SPUR is leading an interagency master planning process for Ocean Beach, to address public access, environmental conservation, and infrastructure in the face of erosion and climate-related sea-level rise. SPUR recently held the first of three public workshops for the Ocean Beach Master Plan, inviting feedback on initial research by the project team. This first look at the wide range of issues at Ocean Beach drew nearly 200 people to the San Francisco Zoo in January. For those that could not attend, the SPUR Urban Center will offer a second chance to review the materials and have your say.

The Ocean Beach Master Plan is funded by grant from the CA State Coastal Conservancy, The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, and the National Park Service. Additional partners include the San Francisco Department of Recreation and Parks, the Office of Mayor Ed Lee, and the San Francisco Department of Public Works.

General information
Produced by SPUR
Curated by Ben Grant
Exhibit design by AECOM
February 15, 2011 - March 8, 2011


SPUR Urban Center
654 Mission Street
San Francisco, CA 94105
Hours: Tues-Fri 11-5 p.m.
Open late Tuesdays till 8 p.m.

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