Due to overwhelming demand pre-registration for this event is closed. A limited number of tickets will be available at the door.
This Tuesday night SPUR will host DENSER, a "Pecha Kucha" night on density, infill and urban development. What's Pecha Kucha? Named after the Japanese word for conversation or “chit chat,” it's a place for designers and other thinkers to showcase their work to the public. In Pecha Kucha's patented fast-and-furious format, presenters are allowed to show 20 slides -- each for just 20 seconds. That's a total of about 6.5 minutes to quickly convey one's ideas or work to the audience, allowing for a greater number of voices and more idea swapping.
Pecha Kucha originated in Tokyo in 2003. Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham of Klein Dytham Architecture came up with the events as a way for young designers in architecture and other fields to meet, mingle and share their work. It quickly grew, turning into large-scale celebrations of creativity and collaboration, with PK nights now taking place in 418 cities worldwide.
Among the impressive and thought-provoking presenters with us Tuesday night will be John Wong from SWA, Kit Hodge from SF Bicycle Coalition, Craig Scott of Iwamoto/Scott Architecture, David Baker of David Baker Architects, Grady Gillies from UCLA Superstudio, Ben Grant from SPUR, Robin Levitt, Julie Kim, Antonio Roma-Alacala of SF Urban Agriculture Alliance and Pecha Kucha’s Paul Jamtgaard.
The event will begin at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, June 21, at the SPUR Urban Center. Pre-registration is full, but a limited number of tickets will be available at the door.