SPUR Position on the Warriors Arena Proposal

SPUR Task Force preliminary evaluation of the Piers 30-32/SWL 330 Arena Project proposal

Advocacy Letter

SPUR’s comments at this time are limited and conditional since important aspects of the project are still to be resolved. As a result of our review and discussion to date, we believe that the project should achieve the following objectives:

1.     Contribute to the vitality of the waterfront;

2.     Contribute to the public realm and open space network along the waterfront;

3.     Exemplify high quality architecture and urban design;

4.     Appropriately respond to existing plans and regulations or provide reasonable rationale for changes;

5.     Include a community benefits packages that addresses pressing social needs such as local employment while also addressing mitigations for potential adverse effects (if any) on the community;

6.     Maximize the use of sustainable transportation modes, including public transit, bicycling and walking while minimizing conflicts between those modes and automobile transportation, and

7.     Provide a net fiscal benefit to the Port and the City.

We will continue to monitor the progress of the project’s design and entitlement process.