November 2018 Voter Guide

Ballot analysis and recommendations

SPUR analyzed select local and state measures on the San Francisco, San José and Oakland ballots for the November 2018 election. Our analysis includes the background behind the measures, pros and cons, and a recommendation on how to vote.



For San Francisco local propositions, SPUR’s Ballot Analysis Committee heard arguments from both sides of the issues, debated the measures’ merits and provided recommendations to our San Francisco Board of Directors. The board then voted, with a 60 percent vote required for SPUR to make a recommendation.

For San Jose local measures, SPUR’s San Jose Board of Directors reviewed and debated the merits of select local measures and voted, with a 60 percent vote required for SPUR to make a recommendation.

For Oakland local measures, SPUR’s Oakland Board of Directors reviewed and debated the merits of select local measures and voted, with a 60 percent vote required for SPUR to make a recommendation.

For California state propositions, SPUR’s regional decision-making body, the SPUR Executive Board, reviewed and debated the merits of select state measures and voted, with a 60 percent vote required for SPUR to make a recommendation.


Ballot Analysis Committee
Robert Gamble (Co-Chair), Molly Turner (Co-Chair), Summer Bundy, Michaela Cassidy, Jim Chappell, Kim-Mai Cutler, Don Falk, Ariane Hogan, Aaron Johnson, Jim Lazarus, Masharika Maddison, George Miller, Jeanne Myerson, Rebecca Prozan, Steve Vettel

Kristy Wang, Susannah Parsons, Teresa Alvarado, Robert Ogilvie, Sarah Karlinsky, Karen Steen, Alicia John-Baptiste, Arielle Fleisher, Gabriel Metcalf, Adhi Nagraj, Sarah Jo Szambelan, Laura Tam

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