The Bay Area is already working to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but mitigation alone will not adequately address impending sea level rise and other climate change impacts. We must take action to reduce our vulnerability to these impacts, a niche partially being filled by the new Adapting to Rising Tides (ART) Project. Join project coordinator Lindy Lowe of the Bay Conservation and Development Commission, Yanna Badet of AECOM and Ashley Nguyen of the Metropolitan Transportation Commission to hear about their work to jointly assess the risks of sea level rise to transportation infrastructure in Alameda County, the ART Project’s process, and its broad implications for the region.
Free to members
$10 for non-members
Okay to bring lunch
$10 for non-members
Okay to bring lunch
Refund Policy
Sponsorship payments: Will not be refunded, as sponsorship benefits take effect immediately and are on-going through the date of the event.