
Developing an Anti-Displacement Agenda for the Bay Area

Lunchtime Forum


A house being moved, used as a visual pun on displacement
Photo by Flickr user NAParish

To create the Bay Area of 2070 that we want to see, we not only need to radically change how much housing gets built, how we build it and where, but we also must ensure that the benefits of this new infill development are shared by those who have been historically left behind, specifically low-income communities and communities of color. As part of a new series of Digital Discourses titled “Housing the Region”, we’ll gather state legislators and policy leaders in conversation to focus on the steps needed to stabilize both people and neighborhoods around the region.

+ Assemblymember Ash Kalra / California State Assembly
+ Assemblymember Buffy Wicks / California State Assembly
+ Sarah Karlinsky / SPUR
+ Kristy Wang / SPUR
+ Michael Lane / SPUR


This program is generously sponsored by:
Sand Hill Property Company logo


SPUR Digital Discourse
Registrants will receive a link to this Digital Discourse a day in advance of the program. Later registrants will receive a link one hour prior to the program's start. Anyone registering less than an hour before the program may not receive a link.


Free for SPUR members.
$10 for non-members.

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Sponsorship payments: Will not be refunded, as sponsorship benefits take effect immediately and are on-going through the date of the event.

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