San Francisco City Hall lit up red, white and blue during election season

Good Government

We believe: The public sector can and should serve the collective good.

Our Goals

• Improve government’s capacity to provide services and address challenges effectively.

• Support voter engagement.

SPUR Voter Guide

The SPUR Voter Guide

The SPUR Voter Guide helps voters understand the issues they will face in the voting booth. We focus on outcomes, not ideology, providing objective analysis on which measures will deliver real solutions.

SPUR Event

Good Government Awards

The Good Government Awards honor outstanding managers working for the City and County of San Francisco, recognizing them for their leadership, vision and ability to make a difference in city government and in the community.

SPUR Report

Back in the Black

San José has the highest median household income of any major city in the country, but years of budget cuts and staffing reductions have left the city in a precarious position. SPUR and Working Partnerships USA explore how San Jose can bolster its resources and deliver high-quality public services.

SPUR Event

SPUR Impact Awards

The Impact Awards Luncheon, honors the outstanding contributions by employees of city and county governments, public agencies and nonprofit organizations in Santa Clara County. The awards celebrate significant accomplishments in the areas of housing, transportation, placemaking and urban design, community advocacy, and sustainability and resilience.

Updates and Events

March 2004 Voter Guide

Voter Guide
Includes SPUR's analysis of 11 city measures on the Mar 4, 2004 ballot.

The City's Budget 2003 - 2005

Urbanist Article
This article describes how the budget gap was closed in 2003 and makes predictions for the city budget in 2004-2005.

Business Taxes in San Francisco

SPUR Report
Though businesses weigh benefits beyond tax rates when choosing a location, there is a point where types and rates of taxes do matter. This report compares the varying business taxes and their extents.

November 2003 Voter Guide

Voter Guide
Includes SPUR's analysis of 14 city measures on the November 4, 2003 ballot.

Supervisors as Planners

Urbanist Article
Jim Chappell outlines the changes in the roles of the Board of Supervisors in the planning process, which empowers both the Board and the neighbors of proposed projects in appealing building changes and restricting permits.

Democracy and Planning

Urbanist Article
Everyone thinks the planning process should be democratic. To act in the name of greater democracy trumps almost all other claims in the public discourse. But it’s not at all obvious what this idea really means.