Issue 576 Fall 2023

What If We Get This Right?

After a three-year hiatus, SPUR's member magazine is back!

What If We Get Downtown Right?

SPUR invited community leaders to envision the future outcome of today’s downtown revitalization efforts.

SPUR asked community leaders in San Francisco, San José, and Oakland the question: “What would it look like if cities were to get downtown right?” We invited them to picture a future in which today’s ideas and policy proposals for downtown revitalization are put into place ... and they work.

Helping California Transit Survive — and Thrive

How SPUR and our coalition won $5.1 billion to avert a transit death spiral.

This year’s transit budget win was a huge victory, but the fight to prevent service cuts in coming years remains unfinished.

It’s About to Get a Whole Lot Easier to Build Housing in San Francisco

A social media primer on why a “kitchen sink” of proposed housing code changes is actually a very big deal.

Why does San Francisco have a housing shortage? In part because getting homes built means navigating a maze of strict, confusing, and often conflicting rules. Mayor Breed may be about to change all that.

SPUR Sponsors Successful California State Bills

New legislation will make it easier to build housing, speed up the move from fossil fuels to electricity, and so much more.

Since launching work at the state level three years ago, SPUR has found that passing California-wide legislation can be the key to breaking gridlock on some of the Bay Area’s toughest issues.

Member Profile: Tony Tolentino

Tony Tolentino has been a SPUR member since 2004.

A San Francisco native shares his hopes for the Bay Area, from downtowns to the region as a whole.