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Public Feedback Summary to Date

As the Ocean Beach Master Plan Team develops Draft Recommendations to be presented at the next Public Workshop (Oct 29th!), we are working hard to absorb and incorporate the diverse voices of the Ocean Beach Community. The presentation below provides additional distillation of what we have heard to date in our public workshops, neighborhood meetings, and online commentary. In particular, it shows which of the Test Scenarios were most attractive as starting points for workshop participants and the hybrid approaches they developed.

Public feedback is one of the team's most important guides for the project, along with the needs of a wide range of partner agencies and a dizzying array of technical challenges. We urge you to stay involved and help us meet the challenges head on, in order to ensure that Ocean Beach is the most beautiful, resilient, and sustainable place it can be in the tumultuous decades to come.
We hope you all can come to the third and final Public Workshop on October 29 to see our progress on the Ocean Beach Master Plan and provide your input.